Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Week 5 - Fixes, Roof/Windows/Doors, More MAJOR EFF UP's!

Here was week five schedule the builder gave us:
11/7 - Monday -Shingle Delivery
11/8 - Tuesday -Set Exterior Doors, House Wrap, HVAC rough
11/9 - Wednesday - HVAC Rough, Fireplace Rough, Framing Mold Inspection, Roof, Plumbing Rough
11/10 - Thursday - Plumbing Rough, Gas Pipe
11/11 - Friday - Frame Check, Frame

Here was the actual schedule:
11/7 - Monday - Shingle Delivery - We did not go to the house
11/8 - Tuesday - Roof was Framed out and plywood was added
11/9 - Wednesday and 11/10 - Thursday - Set Exterior Doors, House Wrap, Fireplace Rough - We did not make it out to the house on Wednesday, so all of these items happened on these two days.
11/11 - Friday -13th - HVAC rough, roof

I would like to start this blog on a positive note.  All of the eff ups from the past blog were fixed.  
 Windows on the 1st floor were fixed, seperated
 Extra Window in the bedroom upstairs was framed in
 Bathroom rough in and walls were uninstalled and James' office was studded out.

11/8 - Tuesday - Roof was Framed out and plywood was added

11/9 - Wednesday and 11/10 - Thursday - Set Exterior Doors, House Wrap, Fireplace Rough

 House wrapped, windows in!!
 Doors are in too!
 This is a hard picture to see, but below the stairs there is a TON of space.  In the model home, the basement was unfinished and this space was opened.  Since our basement will be finished, this space was studded to be closed off.  We wanted to make this the cat's litter station.  The contractor advised that he cannot add a door as he would have to add fireproofing for the entire space, but he did frame it out for us so we can cut out the drywall and add a door after move in.

11/11 - Friday -13th - HVAC rough
 Ducting between the kitchen/family room
 Running all through the attic
Pretty new furnace!
Roof on!

On Sunday the 13th, I stopped by the house after I was in Lebanon for the weekend.  I was looking around the house and found some MAJOR issues with a few of the Trusses.  I am getting so sick and tired of their non-sense!  They should be finding this stuff, not me!  Believe me I did deal with this and it was fixed.
 Truss Connector, not even attached. 
Truss Connector, not even attached. Different view of how far it was out and a cracked board.  They pounded the connector back and added several new nails to make sure it was secure.
A different truss holding our roof up, completely shattered.  They advised the integrity of the board was not compromised, but they did shore up each side of the board with plywood.  Our inspector did advise that it was the correct fit.  

Think anything will happen next week?  Oh just wait till you hear that story!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

What The FUCK! Yes, this title is necessary!

What The FUCK!  Seriously these are the only words I have for Ryan Homes this week.

Last Tuesday, 11/1, we went out to the house to see the progress and we ran into the neighbor.  He pointed out that they were using the lumber that was labeled 272 (his lot) on our house.  It was strange, but I didn't think twice about it.  On Wednesday, 11/2, I had a hair appointment so we did not make it out to the site.  The neighbor sent me a picture of the days progress.  I was super surprised to see a second story.  When I came home from my appointment, I was sending the picture to my girlfriends when I realized, that is NOT my house plan!!!!!  Yeah, that lumber mix up is a HUGE deal!
This was the picture that the neighbor sent me and below is a picture of what the front of my house should look like.  We are supposed to have 6 windows across the front of the house that are all the same size, instead we have 5 windows with one square window.  Also the bottom windows are supposed to be separated versus being close together.

I e-mailed the contractor right away to let him know about this error.  He advised that his framers contacted him earlier in the night and let him know about the error that it would be fixed on Thursday.  When I stopped by the next day, the 2nd floor was being fixed, but the 1st floor was not touched.
James went by the house after work on Thursday and after work on Friday.  The 1st floor was still the same and he found ANOTHER issue.  If you remember one of my previous posts, we were framing out a wall in the basement for James' Office (adding wall and door/see red below).
The below is a picture of James' Office.  It is hard to tell in this picture, but the wall is supposed to be across the basement at the closest 2x4 on the left side.  Instead they farmed out and roughed in a bathroom.  WHAT?  WHY?  We didn't pay for this?  So odd?
James e-mailed the contractor on Friday night and let him know the windows were still not fixed and also of the error in the basement.  He assured us everything would be fixed, but offered to meet us Monday morning to go over it all in person.  We met with him on Monday, 11/7, and he advised the windows will be field framed this week to make the fix and also the bathroom will be fixed as well.  We walked the entire house with him and asked him a ton of questions.  He was actually really great and gave us some faith that it will be corrected accurately. 

The last error that the contractor pointed out to us was that they used our neighbors lumber on the right side of the house as well.  It is hard to see in the picture, but our house is the 2nd house in.  See the window on the 2nd story on the side of the house? Yeah, not supposed to be there.  The contractor advised we had two options, we can keep the extra window for free or he can frame it up for free as well.  The room already has 3 big windows and this 4th window would make furniture placement complicated.  Now the neighbor has to deal with getting his extra window framed out as he is supposed to have one.
Hopefully the process will be smoother from here on out.  I just know I need to watch EVERYTHING!!!!!  But seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 4 Construction, What a hot mess!

This was a CRAZY CRAZY week and a TON of work happened! Like I stated in the title of this blog, it was also a hot mess!  I am not going to get into errors that were made with this blog post, I am going to make a special post for all of the errors this week.  I am telling you, just wait!

This blog is going to have a lot of pictures!  Can't believe this all happened in one week.

Here was week four schedule the builder gave us:
10/31 - Monday - Slab Prep - We did not go out to the house, Trick or Treat!  I am not sure how many Trick or Treaters we will get at the new house?
11/1 - Tuesday - Electrical Trench, Inspect, insulate, pour slabs for garage and basement, steel delivery
11/2 - Wednesday - Pour slabs for garage and basement - I was getting my hair done tonight, so we did not visit the house. Our neighbor did send us some updates though
11/3 - Thursday - Framing
11/4 - Friday - Framing

Here was the actual schedule:
10/31 - Monday - Slab Prep
11/1 - Tuesday - Electrical Trench, Inspect, insulate, pour slabs for garage and basement, steel delivery - Framing Started, we were not expecting that!!!
11/2 - Wednesday - Pour slabs for garage and basement - Slabs were poured and 2nd floor was framed
11/3 - Thursday - Framing
11/4 - Friday - Framing

11/1 - Tuesday - We went out to the site and were SHOCKED with the progress! The first two pictures are actually our neighbor's house, since we didn't get out on Monday. Moisture barriers and such for the concrete slabs.
Garage Floor Prep
Basement Floor Prep

 That's a lot of lumber!!!

 Surprise framing!!

 1st floor is going up quickly!

 Only need the front of the house!

11/2 - Wednesday -Pictures sent to me from our new neighbor!
Basement slab poured

 Second floor framed, garage slab poured

 Second floor framed

11/3 - Thursday -I had a half day today, so I went by and took a few pics around noon.  It was raining, so I didn't get out of the car.
The only thing different, is the entire front of the house!  Again, I will get into this on the next blog post!

11/4 - Friday - James went out after work and took a few shots, we have a roof!
 Almost a full roof, little hole up there ha!

Back of the house with the roof on
Starting the roof of the porch

11/6 - Sunday - I went to the house on my way home from the beach.  Framers were working on the neighbors house.  I decided to be a little rebellious and VERY carefully take a look around inside.  I explored all three floors.  They must have worked very late on Friday or worked Saturday.

 Front of the house with roof on front porch

Family room

Morning room/dining room.  Seriously though, look at that view.

 Master bedroom

 Maze of upstairs framing

 Outside side view

  Outside back view


 Basement bath rough-in that is not supposed to be there, again next blog

 View from the back of our house from the development behind ours

 Zoomed in!

I wonder if next week will be this exciting?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week 3 Construction

Here was the week three schedule the builder gave us:

GUESS WHAT?  Everything happened as it was supposed to :)

10/24 - Monday - No work scheduled today
10/25 - Tuesday -  Start Plumbing ground works, install draintile and waterproof foundation
10/26 - Wednesday - Continue Plumbing ground works, public water
10/27 - Thursday -  Inspect Plumbing ground works/water/sewer, Inspect foundation, backfill
10/28 - Friday - Backfull, rough grade
We went out to the house on Wednesday and Friday.

Wednesday 10/26:
 The right side of our house with the waterproofing and drainage.
 Basement plumbing
  Basement plumbing
  The right side of our house with the waterproofing and drainage.
 Below garage waterproofing

Friday 10/28:  We met our neighbor to the right today!  Both sets of neighbors seem really nice!
 Backfill in the garage and front porch.  Look at the picture right above this, seems like such a waste to dig out the space under the garage only to fill it back in.

 James next to the left side of the house with the rough grade dirt. Our view is pretty nice, I must say!
 Right side of the house with the rough grade.  We have more space between houses then I thought we would.