Thursday, October 13, 2016

Guardian Technology Appointment

The Guardian Technology Appointment included all of the fun tech-y items for the house.  We were presented with all kinds of options for home security, surround sound, intercom systems, TV/data/phone hookups, central vac, etc...

The Guardian rep was pretty nice, typical sales guy though. The only thing included in the house were three TV/data/phone hookups.  We decided to go for an $800 upgrade to get a package of 10 hookups throughout the house. So much easier to do pre-drywall then after.

We walked all over the house with the rep and he helped us decide what would be best for us.  We decided to place our router in the family room, so a data connection will be ran there.  We will also have a hard wired data connection in the basement for James' office and in the master bedroom for premium Smart TV capabilities.  We also are having cable connection installed in all bedrooms, the rec room in the basement, and in the family room and living room.

We decided against getting any telephone jacks.  Is this crazy?  We do not need a land line and will anyone in the future?  The Guardian rep also advised us that if we have the triple play from Comcast, which we do, we can plug the phone directly into the router.  We answer the phone we currently have occasionally only to schedule charity pick ups for our old clothing.

At this point we are not getting a fireplace, so we did not go for adding an electrical box or TV/data cables ran up high for a wall TV mount.  This was about a $500 cost.  This is one fad that I don't exactly get.  I think placing TV's over fireplaces would be too high, neck cramps? Just not my thing.  We will keep our TV stand for now.

The rest of the options were outrageous.  The security system was not that bad to install, but they made you sign a 3 year contract, umm no!  I think they wanted around $2,000 for 2 speakers in the kitchen, really?  They were not even Bose!  We will just use out Bose Mini and be happy!  We all know I do not need an intercom system too, my mouth is loud enough :)

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